Summer School for international partner students of Okayama University / Japan

In cooperation with Okayama University in Japan, we usually offer an intensive DaF course lasting several weeks at levels A1/A2 every year. The general language course is supplemented by excursions. Lessons and excursions are organized by the Department German as a Foreign Language of the ZFA.

The Summer School program includes the following central contents:

  • Intensive GFL course in presence (usually 4 teaching units per day) and self-study phases (mainly in Moodle)
  • Training in all four language skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking), with a focus on oral skills and regional studies.
  • The course follows the blended learning concept based on the inverted classroom model. The focus is on cooperative learning (e.g. through the use of collaborative tools).
  • Creative language teaching - on the basis of the "Language through Art" project, language skills are practiced creatively using selected works of visual art.
  • Comprehensive and didactically embedded excursion program (e.g. Museum unter Tage in Bochum, Kunstmuseum Krefeld, Gasometer Oberhausen, Villa Hügel in Essen, DASA Dortmund, city tour, Bermuda3Eck and much more).

    Successful completion of the course is confirmed with a certificate and the award of credit points. Regular participation in lessons and excursions is a prerequisite. A group presentation is usually required at the end of the course.

In 2022, our colleague Dagmar Schinauer won the AKS Prize for "Good Language Teaching at Universities" in Category B "Innovative Formats for Digital Language Learning" with the Summer School teaching concept.

The AKS (Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren e.V.), the central professional association representing the interests of language centers in German-speaking countries, regularly awards prizes for innovative language teaching concepts at universities. We are delighted to receive this award!